Hello and welcome! I’m Ming Lee, and today we’re going to cover How to solve LeetCode 66 - Plus One - in JS/TS ⚡
Same as always we’re gonna solve this, and we’re gonna do it without the big fancy words because this is for regular folx! Keeping it nice and casual round these parts! Movin’ on…
You are given a large integer represented as an integer array digits, where each digits[i] is the ith digit of the integer. The digits are ordered from most significant to least significant in left-to-right order. The large integer does not contain any leading 0’s.
Increment the large integer by one and return the resulting array of digits.
This is such a cool problem conceptually! I love it! Basically we’re just given a number that is split up into an array and we have to add 1 to that number! Now, its easy to look at this kind of problem and think hey, I can just join these together into a string, cast it into a Number, add one, string it, split it, cast into number and return! That’s a totally valid way of approaching this problem, with one exception. We’re gonna be getting some rather large numbers here, and that doesn’t necessarily work out for us using those kinds of operations (unless we do things like using BigInt). We’re gonna have to get a little more funky with it to come up with a real solution. The first thing I like to do is reverse digits. It just makes it a little easier for me to work with, but adds to time complexity and doesn’t really need to be done, so take that with a grain of salt. So now that we have our digits array reversed, we just need to increment the 0th position by one. Now the whole process has really started. In the event the last digit of digits was the number 9, we need to be prepared to increment other numbers within the digits array to prevent them from exceeding 2 digits in size. In other words, no digit may be larger than the number 9 within the array. I like to handle this by creating a “carry over” kind of variable. It can be a boolean or a number. I think case I think we’ll use a number.
Now when it comes to checking this array I like to loop through the whole darn thing starting at 0. If digits[i] + carry is greater than 9, we got ourselves a problem. In that event we need to set digit[i] to digits[i] - 10 (feel free to use modulo here if you wish) and we need to set carry to 1 so it carries over to the next digit. In the event we’re no longer carrying anything over (aka carry === 0) we can just return digits.reverse() because we’re not really doing any more math. After we make it through the entire loop there’s still one more carry to account for, so we push(1), then return digits.reverse().
That was kind of a mouthful, and I think viewing the actual code might make it make a little more sense, so let’s have a looksie.
function plusOne (digits: number[]): number[] {
// just to make things easier
let carry = 0;
// to check to make sure all these are less than 10
for(let i = 0; i < digits.length; ++i){
digits[i] += carry;
if(digits[i] > 9) carry = 1;
else return digits.reverse();
digits[i] -= 10;
// handle additional carry over
return digits.reverse();
Awesome! This is a perfectly functioning plus one! We do a lot of fun stuff in
this particular solution, and we can make it even more fun by doing things like
handling this without using reverse, handling this without using a carry over
variable, or using BigInt. I hope everyone is feeling pretty comfortable about
this solution because tomorrow’s is going to be in a very similar vein as we
look to solve LeetCode 67 - Add Binary
! See
you then!